There is only one God. He is eternal, almighty, unchanging and absolutely perfect in every way. He is the Maker and Ruler of all creation who reveals himself in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. As Creator, Saviour and Judge he sustains and governs everything by his sovereign will for his own glory.
So that we may know him, God has revealed himself in the Bible. Every word of the Old and New Testaments was given by God through human writers inspired by the Holy Spirit. The whole Bible is entirely true and trustworthy, giving us all we need to believe and to do in order to please him.
All men and women, being created in the image of God, have equal dignity and worth. The greatest purpose is to obey, worship and love God. Since the sin of Adam and Eve every person is spiritually dead. By nature we are all guilty sinners and enemies of God. In order to know God and please him we must be born again, obtain forgiveness and be reconciled to him.
The Lord Jesus Christ is fully God as well as fully man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, and lived a sinless life in obedience to God the Father. He taught the truth by the Father’s Authority. He willingly took the place of sinners when he died on the cross, bearing God’s punishment for their sin and redeeming them by the shedding of his blood. He Rose from the dead physically and ascended to heaven where he is glorified as Lord of all. He prays for his people in the presence of his Father.
Out of sheer love, God has made a way for sinners to be saved. Salvation is offered to all but cannot be deserved or earned by us. It had to be purchased for us by the Lord Jesus Christ at the cost of his own suffering and death. God in his love forgives sinners whom he brings to repentance and faith. All who believe in Christ are made right with God by faith in Christ alone, are adopted into the family of God and receive eternal life.
The Holy Spirit has been sent to show people their sins and to lead them to Christ for salvation. He brings spiritual life to those who believe, and gives them a true understanding of the scriptures. He lives in all believers, assuring them of salvation and works in them to make them more like Christ. He builds up the church and enables believers to worship, to serve God and reach out to others with the message of salvation.
The universal church is the body of which Christ is the head and to which all true Christians belong. Local churches are congregations of believers who are called together for the worship of God, the preaching of God’s Word (The Bible), the administering of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, for pastoral care and discipline, and for evangelism.
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are God’s chosen ways of reminding us of the way of salvation. Baptism does not save people but is a picture of believers sharing in the death and resurrection of Christ’s sufferings and death. The bread and the wine do not change. They represent Christ’s broken body and shed blood.
As he promised, the Lord Jesus Christ will return in glory. He will raise all the dead and judge the world in perfect justice. Those who have not received salvation will go to eternal punishment. Those who have been made right with God will be welcomed into a new life of eternal joy with God. God will make all things new and will be glorified forever.